Gordon A. Sabine Endowed Journalism Scholarship

Dr. Sabine was the first dean of the MSU College of Communication Arts and Sciences. He was also a newspaper reporter, editor and educator. He stressed the importance of education for journalism in the many arts and sciences, which inform good journalists. Dr. Sabine also was vice president for Special Projects at MSU and his creative thinking and innovative recruiting strategies helped make MSU the world-class university it is today. This award, generously given by Robert Sabine and Ellen Sabine, recognizes a junior, senior or graduate student in the School of Journalism.


  • Journalism major
  • junior, senior or graduate student by the upcoming fall semester. (Students must complete 56 credits to achieve junior standing.)

School of Journalism scholarships are applied to a student’s university account to support a future semester of study. To apply, complete the College of Communication Arts & Sciences scholarship application.
