This is for students in the department of Media & Information (pursuing their BA in Information Science or Games & Interactive Media).

This scholarship award is established in memory of Michael A. Chaprnka who was a strong young scholar at Michigan State University seeking and finding his calling in the field of Telecommunication. Michael always demonstrated exceptional industry by supplementing his dedication to education by part-time jobs. His solid creativity and expressive nature is recalled by his trio that played and produced their own music. Mike was a caring, modest and thoughtful person who brought joy and happiness to those he met throughout his life. He was especially loyal to his wide circle of well-chosen friends. An extremely positive and happy person. Mike offered a ready smile and warm humor to all. Above all, Michael dedicated his life and interest to others. He was deeply respected by his peers as well as younger and older persons who knew him. His love of his family and close friends was attested by the large outpouring by his numerous friends who participated in his memorial service. Michael A. Chaprnka is a person whose life promised unlimited potential with his strong talents as a writer, speaker and musician.

The warm, kind honesty of his personality will remain at MSU and in the minds, hearts and memories of all who knew him. Accordingly, the parents, friends and associates of Michael A. Chaprnka join with the Department of Telecommunication of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences of Michigan State University to initiate a memorial to award students who exhibit the characteristics exhibited by this outstanding young person.

The award is intended to encourage students who have the demonstrated capacity to achieve educational and professional goals, the motivation to achieve these goals and the initiative to seek opportunities to further their progress.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:

• Must be a worthy and capable student at Michigan State University in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences’ Department of Media and Information.
• Dedicated to and planning study in areas of telecommunication.
• An outstanding scholar maintaining at least a 2.5 GPA.
• Have reached second year (sophomore) status.
• Exhibit scholarship, industry, creativity and optimism, demonstrate concern for others, is respected by a wide circle of people and peer leadership by attributes of strong personal integrity.
