NOTE: If you are a Reference Provider or a Reviewer from outside MSU, please click the “References and Reviewers” tab above.
If you are an admitted/currently enrolled MSU student, an MSU Scholarship Administrator, or an MSU Reviewer, please sign in using your MSU NetID email address and password. For anyone else (e.g. students who have applied but have not been admitted yet, prospective students, parents, high school counselors), you can browse our opportunities by clicking on “Opportunities” above.
- When you apply for admission to Michigan State University, an email is sent to your personal email with instructions on creating your MSU credentials. If you have not already done this, go back to that email to complete your set-up.
If you are an MSU Reviewer and do not see the view you expected, please reach out to the individual who granted your access for assistance. They may need to submit an e-ARM to request your account be updated.
If you are having trouble remembering your MSU NetID email and/or password, please go here
To access your Reference or Reviewer account, sign in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) using the email address where you received your invitation.
If you don’t have a Blackbaud ID, click Continue with Blackbaud ID then select Sign Up and follow the steps to create one. The sign up is a one-time process. Once you have signed up, you will be able to sign in with your new Blackbaud ID.
If you need to recover your password or you have not yet received an email confirming your account, see trouble signing in.